Patient information

Pre-surgery instructions

Follow the fasting instructions given to you by your anaesthetist at your pre operative phone call

On the day of surgery instructions

Prior to arrival

  • Shower and wash as normal
  • Do not use body moisturisers or perfumes
  • Do not wear make-up, any jewellery or nail polish
  • Leave all valuables at home
  • Wear comfortable loose fitting clothing

When you arrive

Upon arrival at the hospital, you will be greeted and placed in our waiting area. An admissions nurse will collect you and go through our admissions checklist to make sure we have all the correct information. You will then meet with your anaesthetist to perform a preoperative anaesthetic assessment.

After surgery instructions

  • Whilst in recovery you will be given light refreshments
  • Prior to being discharged you will be given post-operative instructions
  • A responsible family member or friend must drive you home from the operation
  • You also need a responsible adult stay with you overnight following your anaesthetic
  • If you have any concerns following your surgery please contact your surgeon directly on the phone number they have provided to you

Patient rights and responsibilities

VSC Day Surgery abides by the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights. The Charter describes what you, or someone you care for, can expect when receiving health care.

A copy of the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights can be accessed by clicking here.

Patient feedback, complaints and improvement suggestions

VSC Day Surgery welcomes feedback, complaints and improvement suggestions from patients and their families. To submit your feedback complete our Day Surgery feedback form.

Open disclosure policy

Open disclosure is the process of open communication with a patient, and or their family, carer or support person, following an adverse or unexpected event that may or may not result in harm to the patient.

The open disclosure process provides an ethical framework for ensuring that staff inform patients, and where applicable their support person, in an open, honest and empathetic manner about a patient-related incident and its implications for the health care of those patients.

Please refer to our Open Disclosure Policy if you require further information.