Medical Professionals

Information for Medical Professionals – By-laws

The By-laws:

VSC Day Surgery operates under By-laws that supports and facilitates a quality health service that delivers safe care.

  • establish the principles applying for accreditation and define the scope of practice of practitioners
  • govern the relationship of VSC Day Surgery with its accredited practitioners
  • set out rules for the conduct of accredited practitioners at VSC Day Surgery
  • outline the obligations on accredited practitioners in relation to the safety and the quality of care of patients
  • ensure that a clinical governance framework is in place to evaluate, monitor and improve the quality and safety of the health services provided
  • set out the scope of practice for services the facility can safely support

Please find a copy of the Medical By-laws below

Credentialing for medical professionals

To apply for clinical privileges please email our Director of Nursing directly at [email protected].